LSP could have been better

We talk about programming like it is about writing code, but the code ends up being less important than the architecture, and the architecture ends up being less important than social issues.

The Success and Failure of Ninja

The Why LSP post discusses the social issues solved by LSP. LSP (as a part of overarching Microsoft strategy) is brilliant, because it moved the world to a new equilibrium where not having basic IDE support is frowned upon. This post instead discusses architectural aspects of LSP, which I personally find not as brilliant(especially given that Dart Analysis Protocol predates LSP and is technically superior in some aspects). Perhaps it could be useful for someone designing other LSP-shaped protocols! Note that its been couple of years since I was actively involved in LSP, probably the grass is greener these days!

Lets get to the list of properties, good and bad, in no particular order.

Focus on Presentation

And lets start with an aspect of the architecture which is genius, and which, I think, is responsible for a big share of LSP success on the technical side. If you build a tool for working with multiple programming languages, one of the biggest questions is how to find common ground among different, but ultimately similar, languages. A first attempt is to uncover essential commonality: after all, all languages have files, variables, functions, classes, right? This is maybe not necessary a dead end, but definitely a thorny and treacherous path languages are different, each language is weird in at least some of its aspects, and common ground risks to level away meaningful distinctions.

So, what does LSP do here? It just doesnt provide a semantic model of the code base. Instead, it is focused squarely on the presentation. No matter how different each programming language is, they all, in the end, use the same completion widget. So LSP is formulated in terms of whats shown in the completion widget, not in terms of the underlying semantic language entities. That means that each language has an internal semantic model which is full fidelity for this particular language, and uses it to provide the best completion experience which is possible for a given completion widget. This is how rust-analyzer is structured internally as well:

  1. Compiler layer deals with the messy language analysis tasks, it derives more structured information (types) from less structured information (source text), explicitly tracking analysis layers and phases.
  2. The HIR (high-level intermediate representation) is a façade around the compiler, which provides a rich graph-based object model of code which looks as if all derived information, like types, is pre-computed.
  3. The IDE layer uses HIR to compute things like completions, and presents them as Rust-specific, but semantics-less POD structures to be shown to the user in GUI more or less as is.

One consequence of this architecture is that LSP requests map to editor widgets, and not to the underlying language concepts, even when several different widgets are powered by the same underlying data. For example, LSP has separate requests for:

  • hierarchical outline of a file displayed in the side bar,
  • breadcrumbs shown in the header,
  • syntax-aware selection ranges,
  • code folding.

Although all four features are just different views into an AST, theres no get AST request in the LSP. Different requests allow to fine-tune presentation for the different use-cases, and the details do differ! Semantic selection might contain some sub-syntax ranges inside string literals and comments, breadcrumb need to include things like conditionals of if expressions, while the outline might want to get rid of less important nodes. Attentive reader will notice that breadcrumbs and the outline actually use the same LSP request. Even LSP doesnt follow LSP philosophy fully!


After a big thing that LSP did right, lets look at a small thing that it got wrong. Lets look at how information is transmitted over the wire.

JSON is actually OK! Many people complain that JSON is slow, but thats not actually the case generally. There are some edge cases, where particular client libraries can be slow as was the case at least at some point with Swift and Emacs, but JSON is definitely fast enough for Rust, Java and JavaScript. Of course, something substantially better than JSON is possible in theory.

I think ideally we need WebAssembly for IPC, a format that:

  • has dual text and binary encoding,
  • is stupidly simple,
  • is thoroughly, readably, and precisely specified,
  • and, in general, is principled and a joy to use.

Theres no such format yet, so JSON it is. Good enough.

HTTP framing is not OK. On the wire, the messages framed like this:

Content-Length: 92 \r\n
Actual message

That is:

  • case-insensitive content-length header,
  • followed by length of the following message, formatted as a decimal number in ASCII,
  • followed by double \r\n,
  • followed by the actual message.

This resembles HTTP, but is not actual HTTP, so you need to write a bit of custom code to deal with the framing. Thats not hard:

  let mut size = None;
  let mut buf = String::new();
  loop {
    if inp.read_line(&mut buf)? == 0 {
      return Ok(None);
    if !buf.ends_with("\r\n") {
      return Err(invalid_data!("malformed header: {:?}", buf));
    let buf = &buf[..buf.len() - 2];
    if buf.is_empty() {
    let mut parts = buf.splitn(2, ": ");
    let header_name =;
    let header_value =|| {
      invalid_data!("malformed header: {:?}", buf)
    if header_name.eq_ignore_ascii_case("Content-Length") {
      size = Some(
  let size: usize =
    size.ok_or_else(|| invalid_data!("no Content-Length"))?;
  let mut buf = buf.into_bytes();
  buf.resize(size, 0);
  inp.read_exact(&mut buf)?;
  let buf = String::from_utf8(buf).map_err(invalid_data)?;

But, still, decoding ASCII message length from variable-length header? Thats accidental complexity. Just separate json objects with newlines instead:

Framing using \n as a separator is almost certainly available out of the box in the programming language of choice.

Wiping away the tears and peeling one more layer from the onion, we see json-rpc:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "initialize",
    "id": 1,
    "params": { ... }

This again is a bit of needless accidental complexity. Again, not hard to handle:

fn _write(self, w: &mut dyn Write) -> io::Result<()> {
  struct JsonRpc {
    jsonrpc: &'static str,
    msg: Message,
  let text = serde_json::to_string(&JsonRpc {
    jsonrpc: "2.0",
    msg: self,
  write_msg_text(w, &text)


  • Prone to complexity amplification, invites jsonrpc framework with all the latest patterns.
  • "jsonrpc": "2.0" is meaningless noise which you have to look at during debugging.
  • Error codes like -32601 (ah, that comes from xml-rpc!).
  • Includes notifications. Notification are a big anti-pattern in RPC, for a somewhat subtle reason. More on this later.

What to do instead? Do what Dart does, some excerpts from the specification:

Messages are delineated by newlines. This means, in particular, that the JSON encoding process must not introduce newlines within a message. Note however that newlines are used in this document for readability.

To ease interoperability with Lisp-based clients (which may not be able to easily distinguish between empty lists, empty maps, and null), client-to-server communication is allowed to replace any instance of {} or [] with null. The server will always properly represent empty lists as []and empty maps as {}.

Clients can make a request of the server and the server will provide a response for each request that it receives. While many of the requests that can be made by a client are informational in nature, we have chosen to always return a response so that clients can know whether the request was received and was correct.

Example request:

request: {
  "id": String
  "method": "server.getVersion"

response: {
  "id": String
  "error": optional RequestError
  "result": {
    "version": String

Thats basically jsonrpc, the good parts, including using "UNKNOWN_REQUEST" instead of -32601.


LSP uses (line, column) pairs for coordinates. The neat thing here is that this solves significant chunk of \n vs \r\n problems client and server may represent line endings differently, but this doesnt matter, because coordinates are the same.

Focus on the presentation provides another motivation, because location information received by the client can be directly presented to the user, without the need to parse the underlying file. I have mixed feelings about this.

The problem, column is counted using UTF-16 code units. This is, like, no. For many reasons, but in particular, UTF-16 is definitely the wrong number to show to the user as a column.

Theres no entirely obvious answer what should be used instead. My personal favorite would be counting utf-8 code units (so, just bytes). You need some coordinate space. Any reasonable coordinate space wont be useful for presentation, so you might as well use the space that matches the underlying utf-8 encoding, so that accessing substrings is O(1).

Using unicode codepoints would perhaps be the most agreeable solution. Codepoints are useless youll need to convert to grapheme clusters for presentation, and to utf-8 code units to do anything with the string. Still, codepoints are a common denominator, they are more often correct if incorrectly used for presentation, and they have a nice property that any index less than length is valid irrespective of the actual string.

Causality Casualty

As mentioned above, one drawback of one-way notifications from jsonrpc is that they dont allow signaling errors. But theres a more subtle problem here: because you dont receive response to a notification, it might be hard to order it relative to other events. The Dart protocol is pretty strict about the ordering of events:

There is no guarantee concerning the order in which responses will be returned, but there is a guarantee that the server will process requests in the order in which they are sent as long as the transport mechanism also makes this guarantee.

This guarantee ensures that the client and the server mutually understand each others state. For every request the client knows which file modifications happened before it, and which came afterwards.

In LSP, when the client wants to modify the state of a file on the server, it sends a notification. LSP also supports server-initiated edits. Now, if the client sends a didChangeTextDocument notification, and then receives a workspace/applyEdit request from the server, theres no way for the client to know whether the edit takes the latest change into the account or not. Were didChangeTextDocument a request instead, the client could have looked at the relative order of the corresponding response and workspace/applyEdit.

LSP papers over this fundamental loss of causality by including numeric versions of the documents with every edit, but this is a best effort solution. Edits might be invalidated by changes to unrelated documents. For example, for a rename refactor, if a new usage was introduced in a new file after the refactor was computed, version numbers of the changed files would wrongly tell you that the edit is still correct, while it will miss this new usage.

Practically, this is a small problem it works most of the time (I think I have seen zero actual bugs caused by causality loss), and even the proper solution cant order events originating from the client relative to the events originating from the file system. But the fix is also very simple just dont voluntarily lose causality links!

Remote Procedural State Synchronization

And this touches what I think is the biggest architectural issue with LSP. LSP is an RPC protocol it is formed by edge triggered requests that make something happen on the other side. But this is not how most of IDE features work. What actually is needed is level triggered state synchronization. The client and the server need to agree what something is, deciding the course of action is secondary. It is to be or not to be rather than what is to be done.

At the bottom is synchronization of text documents the server and the client need to agree which files there are, and what is their content.

Above is synchronization of derived data. For example, theres a set of errors in the project. This set changes when the underlying text files change. Errors change with some lag, as it takes time to compute them (and sometimes files changes faster than the errors could be re-computed).

Things like file outline, syntax highlighting, cross-reference information, e.t.c, all follow the same pattern.

Crucially, predicting which changes to the source invalidate which derived data requires language specific knowledge. Changing the text of might affect syntax highlighting in (as syntax highlighting is affected by types).

In LSP, highlighting and such are requests. This means that either the client is incorrect and shows stale highlighting results, or it conservatively re-queries all highlighting results after every change, wasting the CPU, and still showing stale results sometimes, when an update happens outside of the client (eg, when cargo finished downloading external crates).

The Dart model is more flexible, performant and elegant. Instead of highlighting being a request, it is a subscription. The client subscribes to syntax highlighting of particular files, the server notifies the client whenever highlights for the selected files change. That is, two pieces of state are synchronized between the client and the server:

  • The set of files the client is subscribed to
  • The actual state of syntax highlighting for these files.

The former is synchronized by sending the whole current set of files in a request, whenever the set changes. The latter is synchronized by sending incremental updates.

Subscriptions are granular both in terms of the file set, as well as in terms of features. The client might subscribe for errors in the whole project, and for highlights in the currently opened documents only.

Subscriptions are implemented in terms of RPC, but they are an overarching organizational pattern followed by the majority of the requests. LSP doesnt have an equivalent, and has real bugs with outdated information shown to the user.

I dont think Dart goes as far as possible here. JetBrains Rider, if I understand correctly, does something smarter:

I think the idea behind the rider protocol is that you directly define the state you want to synchronize between the client and the server as state. The protocol then manages magicsynchronization of the state by sending minimal diffs.

Simplistic Refactorings

Lets unwind to something more down to earth, like refactorings. Not the simple ones, like rename, but complex ones, like change signature:

In this refactoring, the user selects a function declaration, then rearranges parameters in some way (reorders, removes, adds, renames, changes types, whatever), and then the IDE fixes all call-sites.

The thing that makes this refactor complex is that it is interactive its not an atomic requestrename foo to bar, its a dialog between the IDE and the user. There are many parameters that the user tweaks based on the analysis of the original code and the already specified aspects of the refactoring.

LSP doesnt support this workflows. Dart somewhat supports them, though each refactoring gets to use custom messages (that is, theres quite good overall protocol for multistep refactorings, but each refactoring essentially sends any over the wire, and the IDE on the other side hard-codes specific GUIs for specific refactorings). This per-refactoring work is not nice, but it is much better than not having these complex refactorings at all.

Dynamic Registration

A small one to conclude. Significant chunk of conceptual LSP complexity comes from support for dynamic registration of capabilities. I dont understand why that features is there, rust-analyzer uses dynamic registration only for specifying which files should be watched. And that would be much simpler if it used a plain request (or a subscription mechanism).