Comptime Zig ORM
This post can be considered an advanced Zig tutorial. I will be covering some of the more unique aspects of the language, but won’t be explaining the easy part. If you haven’t read the Zig Language Reference, you might start there. Additionally, we will also learn the foundational trick for implementing relational model.
You will learn a sizable chunk of Zig after this post, but this isn’t going to be an easy read, so prepare your favorite beverage and get comfy!
On Learning
One of the most ridiculously effective ways of learning for me is building toy versions of programs. This is slightly more specific than “to learn to code, code”: I claim that you can learn more by spending a week building your own very bad version of an application from scratch that you’d learn from working full-time for a year on a production ready codebase. Case in point: although the code in this post is lifted from TigerBeetle, and I’ve been working with it for a couple of years, I’ve learned a bunch of new things myself in the evening of hacking on the code for the post.
The hard part about the toy problem approach is finding the right toy! I remember, early in my career, spending about a year pestering everything with “what is your favorite model problem?” question, and not getting a real answer. Until one day @zmacter asked “have you tried a raytracer?” and that became my model problem for learning programming languages. Seriously, if you want to learn Zig, go write yourself a raytracer, I have some notes for that here.
The Database
In this post, we’ll work on a solution of a different model problem, which I think is an especially good fit for showcasing Zig’s comptime capabilities. This problem is a simplified version of the LSM Forest code from TigerBeetle.
Specifically, we will be implementing an in-memory relational database, whose schema is set at compile time. Before diving into the implementation, let’s sketch the interface we want.
First, we define objects which we will be storing in our database, accounts and transfers:
const Account = struct {
id: ID = @enumFromInt(0),
balance: u128,
pub const ID = enum(u64) { _ };
const Transfer = struct {
id: ID = @enumFromInt(0),
amount: u128,
debit_account: Account.ID,
credit_account: Account.ID,
pub const ID = enum(u64) { _ };
In Zig, struct
is an expression that yields an anonymous struct type, which needs to be explicitly
bound to an identifier: const Account = struct { ... }
Structs contain fields and declarations. Fields can have default values. This curious pattern
pub const ID = enum(u64) { _ };
is a Zig idiom for creating a newtype over an integer. ID
is an enumeration, whose backing type is
. This enumeration doesn’t have any explicitly named variants, but it is open (_
) — any
numeric value is considered to be a member. This is exactly what we want for an id — it’s an
opaque number with a unique type, whose “numberness” is not exposed (you can’t add two ids
together). In the transfer struct, we refer to account id:
debit_account: Account.ID
Note that although Account.ID
and Transfer.ID
have exactly the same definition, they are
distinct types. Let this sink in — Zig’s type system is nominal, but all types are anonymous!
Ids will be assigned by our database automatically, using an auto-incrementing counter, and we will
use zero id to signify a new object without an id assigned yet:
id: ID = @enumFromInt(0),
and @intFromEnum
are built-in functions for casting between an enum and its backing
integer. It could have been cleaner to instead write:
const Account = struct {
id: ID = .unassigned,
balance: u128,
pub const ID = enum(u64) {
unassigned = 0,
That is, to add an explicitly named variant for zero.
So, yeah, we have accounts and transfers, they both have ids assigned by the database, an account has a balance, a transfer has an amount and refers to two accounts:
const Account = struct {
id: ID = @enumFromInt(0),
balance: u128,
pub const ID = enum(u64) { _ };
const Transfer = struct {
id: ID = @enumFromInt(0),
amount: u128,
debit_account: Account.ID,
credit_account: Account.ID,
pub const ID = enum(u64) { _ };
Now, let’s define our database from the schema:
const DBType = @import("./db.zig").DBType;
const DB = DBType(.{
.tables = .{
.account = Account,
.transfer = Transfer,
.indexes = .{
.transfer = .{
.debit_account, .credit_account,
A lot is going on here. First, we use @import
builtin function to import (look, no need for syntax
again!) the DBType
function. DBType
is a type constructor — it takes a DB schema, and returns a
database type. For the schema, we ask for two tables, accounts and transfers, and also ask to
include indexes on transfers’ foreign keys.
The implementation of DBType
is the meat of this post, but, for now, let’s see how we use it.
Let’s write a function to add a transfer to the database:
fn create_transfer(
db: *DB,
gpa: std.mem.Allocator,
debit_account: Account.ID,
credit_account: Account.ID,
amount: u128,
) !?Transfer.ID {
Zig doesn’t have a global allocator, so anything that needs to allocate takes an allocator argument.
is dynamically dispatched: inside it are a type-erased pointer to a particular
allocator’s state, and a pointer to a vtable:
const Allocator = struct {
ptr: *anyopaque,
vtable: *const VTable,
pub const VTable = struct {
alloc: *const fn (
len: usize,
alignment: Alignment,
ret_addr: usize,
) ?[*]u8,
This is a trait object, coded manually. gpa
stands for general purpose allocator, which behaves
more or less like a global allocator would, as far as the code is concerned. You often see arena:
, signifying that memory doesn’t need to be freed on per-object basis, or scratch:
, signifying that the memory can be used for short-lived allocations inside the function,
but can’t outlive it.
Inserting a new object into our in-memory database could allocate, so we need an allocator argument,
and, conversely, need to signal possibility of an allocation failure in our result type, which is
what the bang (!
) is for.
Another reason for why the operation might fail is that the transfer itself might be invalid (e.g.,
insufficient balance). For simplicity, I choose to model this by returning a null
instead of
, hence the question mark (?
Let’s see the implementation of create_transfer
if (debit_account == credit_account) return null;
const dr = db.account.get(debit_account) orelse
return null;
const cr = db.account.get(credit_account) orelse
return null;
if (dr.balance < amount) return null;
if (cr.balance > std.math.maxInt(u128) - amount) return null;
.id = debit_account,
.balance = dr.balance - amount,
.id = credit_account,
.balance = dr.balance + amount,
return try db.transfer.create(gpa, .{
.debit_account = debit_account,
.credit_account = credit_account,
.amount = amount,
Zig doesn’t require braces around if’s body which makes for concise “guard” ifs. It comes with autoformatter out of the box, so there’s very little possibility for indentation confusion.
looks up an account by an id. The account might or might not exist,
the return type of this function is ?Account
. Zig’s orelse
unpacks optionals. The type of
expression is noreturn
from Rust), so the type of cr
and dr
is just Account
without a question mark. Instead of return
ing, we could have orelse
ed some default Account
This line is the only place where we need to help type inference by spelling a type explicitly:
if (cr.balance > std.math.maxInt(u128) - amount) return null;
We pass the u128
type to the maxInt
function. This is the case where a sophisticated smart type
inference algorithm could look at the surrounding context and infer the type, but Zig deliberately
requires the user to spell it in stations like this.
Having done the balance checks, we ask our database to update the two balances, and to persist the
new transfer object. Only transfer.create
calls gets an allocator, so it is immediately obvious
that only this part of the function can allocate.
A Usage Example
Now, let’s write some test program:
pub fn main() !void {
We are going to allocate, so we might fail, so we return !void
. So, we’ll need an allocator:
var gpa_instance: std.heap.DebugAllocator(.{}) = .{};
const gpa = gpa_instance.allocator();
is a concrete allocator, of type std.heap.DebugAllocator(.{})
. It is initialized
with default values for all the fields. When evaluating = .{}
, Zig knows the result type, so it
knows which fields are defaulted.
is our trait object. Internally, it contains a pointer to gpa_instance
. The state of
will be mutated, so it needs to be declared as a var
. The gpa
though is just a
pair of pointers, and those pointers won’t be mutated themselves, so we can declare it const
similarly to how in Rust you’d write
let mut x = 92;
let r = &mut x; // no mut on r!
Because Zig doesn’t track aliasing in the type system, figuring out what can get mutated when is generally harder in Zig than in Rust.
For the usage example, we’ll need some random numbers, which follow a similar pattern — a concrete PRNG and a dynamically dispatched trait object / vtable:
var random_instance = std.Random.DefaultPrng.init(92);
const random = random_instance.random();
Finally, we create an instance of our database:
var db: DB = .{};
// defer db.deinit(gpa);
will allocate memory, so we absolutely do need a deinit function to free it, but I am excluding
it from the tutorial, as it requires some not particularly illuminating legwork.
For starters, just create two accounts and a transfer:
const alice: Account.ID =
try db.account.create(gpa, .{ .balance = 100 });
const bob: Account.ID =
try db.account.create(gpa, .{ .balance = 200 });
const transfer: ?Transfer.ID =
try create_transfer(&db, gpa, alice, bob, 100);
assert(transfer != null);
So far, this feels like a hash-map with more steps. We aren’t doing anything relational here. We will, soon, but we’ll need some fake data. To keep things a touch more realistic, we won’t be distributing transfers equally between accounts, and instead ensure that 20% of hottest accounts are responsible for 80% of transfers:
fn pareto_index(random: std.Random, count: usize) usize {
assert(count > 0);
const hot = @divFloor(count * 2, 10);
if (hot == 0) return random.uintLessThan(usize, count);
if (random.uintLessThan(u32, 10) < 8) {
return pareto_index(random, hot);
return hot + random.uintLessThan(usize, count - hot);
Nothing new here — @divFloor
is another builtin (an intention-bearing name for /
), and we need
to pass the type we want to get out of random explicitly, instead of having type inference (and the
human reader) figuring it out.
The loop to populate the database is slightly more interesting:
var accounts: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Account.ID) = .empty;
defer accounts.deinit(gpa);
const account_count = 100;
try accounts.ensureTotalCapacity(gpa, account_count);
while (accounts.items.len < account_count) {
const account = try db.account.create(gpa, .{ .balance = 1000 });
const transfer_count = 100;
for (0..transfer_count) |_| {
const debit = pareto_index(random, account_count);
const credit = pareto_index(random, account_count);
const amount = random.uintLessThan(u128, 10);
_ = try create_transfer(
We’ll need to store generated account ids somewhere, so we use an ArrayList
. Zig strongly pushes
you towards batching your allocations, so we preallocate space for a hundred accounts at once, and
then append without passing a gpa
in. For simplicity, we don’t implement reservation API for
our database, so we do need a gpa
when creating an account or a transfer.
In Zig, unused return value is a compilation error, so we need _ =
to ignore the result of the
Finally, we come to the relational part of the tutorial, we’ll do a non-trivial lookup. First, we’ll
ask for all transfers from alice
to anyone, and then for transfers between alice
and bob
var transfers_buffer: [10]Transfer = undefined;
const alice_transfers = db.transfer.filter(
.{ .debit_account = alice },
for (alice_transfers) |t| {
std.debug.print("alice: from={} to={} amount={}\n", .{
const alice_to_bob_transfers = db.transfer.filter(
.{ .debit_account = alice, .credit_account = bob },
for (alice_to_bob_transfers) |t| {
std.debug.print("alice to bob: from={} to={} amount={}\n", .{
The interesting parts are highlighted. We can ask the database to filter transfer objects to only
those with matching attributes. You can do it using a brute-force loop over all transfers. But, if
you are serious about your relational model, you obviously want to be faster than that! I wonder if
this has something to do with the indexes we added when declaring DB
For Zig specifics, I don’t want to allocate the result, and I don’t want to bother with iterators, so I pass a stack-allocated out buffer in.
A Call To Action
Here’s what we got so far, the interface for the so-far mysterious db.zig
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const DBType = @import("./db.zig").DBType;
const Account = struct {
id: ID = @enumFromInt(0),
balance: u128,
pub const ID = enum(u64) {
const Transfer = struct {
id: ID = @enumFromInt(0),
amount: u128,
debit_account: Account.ID,
credit_account: Account.ID,
pub const ID = enum(u64) { _ };
const DB = DBType(.{
.tables = .{
.account = Account,
.transfer = Transfer,
.indexes = .{
.transfer = .{
.debit_account, .credit_account,
fn create_transfer(
db: *DB,
gpa: std.mem.Allocator,
debit_account: Account.ID,
credit_account: Account.ID,
amount: u128,
) !?Transfer.ID {
if (debit_account == credit_account)
return null;
const dr = db.account.get(debit_account) orelse
return null;
const cr = db.account.get(credit_account) orelse
return null;
if (dr.balance < amount) return null;
if (cr.balance > std.math.maxInt(u128) - amount) return null;
.id = debit_account,
.balance = dr.balance - amount,
.id = credit_account,
.balance = dr.balance + amount,
return try db.transfer.create(gpa, .{
.debit_account = debit_account,
.credit_account = credit_account,
.amount = amount,
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa_instance: std.heap.DebugAllocator(.{}) = .{};
const gpa = gpa_instance.allocator();
var random_instance = std.Random.DefaultPrng.init(92);
const random = random_instance.random();
var db: DB = .{};
// defer db.deinit(gpa);
const alice: Account.ID =
try db.account.create(gpa, .{ .balance = 100 });
const bob: Account.ID =
try db.account.create(gpa, .{ .balance = 200 });
const transfer =
try create_transfer(&db, gpa, alice, bob, 100);
assert(transfer != null);
var accounts: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Account.ID) = .empty;
defer accounts.deinit(gpa);
const account_count = 100;
try accounts.ensureTotalCapacity(gpa, account_count);
while (accounts.items.len < account_count) {
const account =
try db.account.create(gpa, .{ .balance = 1000 });
const transfer_count = 100;
for (0..transfer_count) |_| {
const debit = pareto_index(random, account_count);
const credit = pareto_index(random, account_count);
const amount = random.uintLessThan(u128, 10);
_ = try create_transfer(
var transfers_buffer: [10]Transfer = undefined;
const alice_transfers = db.transfer.filter(
.{ .debit_account = alice },
for (alice_transfers) |t| {
std.debug.print("alice: from={} to={} amount={}\n", .{
std.debug.print("\n\n", .{});
const alice_to_bob_transfers = db.transfer.filter(
.{ .debit_account = alice, .credit_account = bob },
for (alice_to_bob_transfers) |t| {
std.debug.print("alice to bob: from={} to={} amount={}\n", .{
fn pareto_index(random: std.Random, count: usize) usize {
assert(count > 0);
const hot = @divFloor(count * 2, 10);
if (hot == 0) return random.uintLessThan(usize, count);
if (random.uintLessThan(u32, 10) < 8) return pareto_index(random, hot);
return hot + random.uintLessThan(usize, count - hot);
If you want to get 90% out of this post, I strongly recommend you to not read any further, and
instead copy the above code into your own main.zig
and try to write db.zig
yourself. I do think
this is the most excellent exercise that can teach you more effectively than any blog post. It’ll
take more time, of course, but you’ll get more knowledge per minute spent out of it.
If you will settle for the 10%, read on! And, if you want 100% percent, then do your implementation first and then come back here!
The Table
We will be building db.zig
from the gound up. It all will make sense! At the end.
Our fundamental data structure is a sorted list of values. Here, I kindly ask the reader to engage suspension of disbelief: in a real database we will be using a data structure with efficient lookups and modifications, such as a B-tree or an LSM tree. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will use a simple sorted array, and will just close our eyes on O(N) insertions and removals.
Values are going to be sorted by a particular field. For example, we sort transfers by their ids. So, when creating a “Table” of transfers, we’ll need to pass the type of key, the type of value, and functions for extracting and comparing keys:
const TransfersTable = TableType(Transfer.ID, Transfer, struct {
pub fn key_fn(value: Transfer) Transfer.ID {
pub fn key_cmp(lhs: Transfer.ID, rhs: Transfer.ID) std.math.Order {
return std.math.order(@intFromEnum(lhs), @intFromEnum(rhs));
Here’s the corresponding declaration:
fn TableType(
comptime KeyType: type,
comptime ValueType: type,
comptime Functions: type,
) type {
const key_fn = Functions.key_fn;
const key_cmp = Functions.key_cmp;
return struct {
This is a type constructor function, which takes a bunch of types as arguments and returns a new type. Such functions can only be called at compile time., Zig doesn’t have the ability to create new types at runtime, unlike something like the JVM.
Passing the table of functions as a Functions
type is a weird idiom of Zig. It would be more
natural to use the following signature:
fn TableType(
comptime KeyType: type,
comptime ValueType: type,
comptime key_fn: fn(value: ValueType): KeyType,
comptime key_cmp: fn(lhs: KeyType, rhs: KeyType): std.math.Order,
) type
But this version is more painful to use at the call site. While struct
is an expression in Zig
and you can declare one inline, fn
is not an expression, you can’t declare a function inline unless
you employ another Zig idiom:
const my_function = struct {
fn double(x: u32) u32 { return x * 2; }
Here’s the implementation of the table:
struct {
values: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Value) = .empty,
pub const Key = KeyType;
pub const Value = ValueType;
const Table = @This();
pub fn search(
table: *const Table,
key: Key,
start_index: usize,
) usize {
return start_index + std.sort.lowerBound(
fn compare_fn(key: Key, value: Value) std.math.Order {
return key_cmp(key, key_fn(value));
pub fn get(table: *const Table, key: Key) ?Value {
const index =, 0);
if (index >= table.values.items.len) return null;
const value = table.values.items[index];
if (key_cmp(key, key_fn(value)) != .eq) return null;
return value;
pub fn reserve(
table: *Table,
gpa: std.mem.Allocator,
extra: usize,
) !void {
try table.values.ensureUnusedCapacity(gpa, extra);
pub fn insert(table: *Table, value: Value) void {
assert(table.values.unusedCapacitySlice().len > 0);
const index =, 0);
table.values.insertAssumeCapacity(index, value);
pub fn remove(table: *Table, value: Value) void {
const index =, 0);
const removed = table.values.orderedRemove(index);
assert(std.meta.eql(value, removed));
The search
function binary searches for the index corresponding to the given key
in the list of
values. For convenience of the call-site we are yet to see, we also pass in the starting index for
the search. It is useful for, e.g., pagination-style API where you use index as a cursor.
The get
function then uses search
to find the index, and furthermore checks that we have an
exact match.
For the insert
function, we do implement the reservation pattern: memory allocation and data
structure modification are split into two functions. Modification proper is infallible, and has a
reservation as a precondition.
As promised, we do a naive linear memcpy for insert
/ remove
, but we pretend that it is actually
Another unrealistic simplification is that our API is scalar — we insert or remove a single item
at a time. Both Zig and relational model strongly encorage operating on a batch of objects at a
time, pushing the for
s down:
pub fn insert(table: *Table, values: []const Value) void
Even with a naive array list, the batched version runs in O(N + K log K), which is much faster than O(N K) of the scalar version repeated K times. But we leave batching as an exercise for the reader.
The Indexes
Now comes the relational model part of the tutorial. If we have
const TransfersTable = TableType(Transfer.ID, Transfer, struct {
pub fn key_fn(value: Transfer) Transfer.ID {
pub fn key_cmp(lhs: Transfer.ID, rhs: Transfer.ID) std.math.Order {
return std.math.order(@intFromEnum(lhs), @intFromEnum(rhs));
we can efficiently filter transfers by their ids. How can we add an ability to filter transfers by, say, debit account id?
The idea is to add a second sorted list, which stores pairs of
(Account.ID, Transfer.ID)
With this setup, if you are interested in all transfers from alice, you can binary search for alice’s account ID in the second list, fetch corresponding transfer ids, and then lookup transfers in the first list:
id=1 debit_account=alice credit_account=bob
id=2 debit_account=charley credit_account=bob
id=3 debit_account=alice credit_account=charley
debit_account=alice id=1
debit_account=alice id=3
debit_account=charley id=2
What makes this work is that we can maintain two lists in sync. When creating a transfer, you insert it in the Transfers table, but also insert the corresponding pair to the index table. Removal works similarly.
Implementing the Index
Let’s implement an index table. Here, we start using comptime
for real. In particular, we will
parametrize our index table by the type (such as Transfer
) and the name of the field to build an
index over (such as .debit_account
const TransferDebitAccountIndex =
IndexTableType(Transfer, .debit_account);
This is the signature:
fn IndexTableType(
comptime Value: type,
comptime field: std.meta.FieldEnum(Value),
) type {
This is a type constructor, which takes a type and returns a type. The
call returns an enum whose variants are fields of Value
. E.g, our Transfer
const Transfer = struct {
id: ID,
amount: u128,
debit_account: Account.ID,
credit_account: Account.ID,
so the corresponding FieldEnum
would look like this:
const TransferFieldEnum = enum {
Now, the body:
fn IndexTableType(
comptime Value: type,
comptime field: std.meta.FieldEnum(Value),
) type {
const FieldType = @FieldType(Value, @tagName(field));
const Pair = struct {
field: FieldType,
id: Value.ID,
return TableType(Pair, Pair, struct {
pub fn key_fn(value: Pair) Pair {
return value;
pub fn key_cmp(lhs: Pair, rhs: Pair) std.math.Order {
return order_by(Pair, lhs, rhs, &.{ .field, .id });
Ultimately, we want to delegate to existing TableType
, as that already implements the logic for
storing a sorted list of items. The item for us is a field type and value id pair. One note
about the
const FieldType = @FieldType(Value, @tagName(field));
incantation used. FieldEnum
is the library-level abstraction. Meta programming builtins, like
or @field
, work with string names of field (at compile time, of course). @tagName
converts from .debit_account
to "debit_account"
. We don’t have to use FieldEnum
, and could
have used strings throughout, but FieldEnum
gives us two advantages:
Earlier type errors: calling
with a field that doesn’t exist will error out at the call site, rather than at the definition side. -
Greppability: in Zig, field access is always spelled as
syntactically, so it is advantageous to stick to the same convention during meta programming, to make sure it also gets into textual searches.
The Key
for our table is the entire Pair
. That is, we want to sort not only on the field value,
but on ID as well, to make sure that, when we lookup all ids for a particular field value, we get
back a sorted list. That’s why our key_fn
is an identity function:
pub fn key_fn(value: Pair) Pair {
return value;
In key_cmp
, we want to compare first by field
, and then by id
. We can do it manually, but it’s
more fun to do some meta programming here as well:
pub fn key_cmp(lhs: Pair, rhs: Pair) std.math.Order {
return order_by(Pair, lhs, rhs, &.{ .field, .id });
fn order_by(
comptime T: type,
lhs: T,
rhs: T,
comptime fields: []const std.meta.FieldEnum(T),
) std.math.Order {
is our first mixed-mode function. Some arguments are comptime
, but some are runtime.
This function should compare a pair of T
by sequentially comparing the values of the corresponding
fields, and returning as soon as two unequal fields are found. Here we use an inline for
fn order_by(
comptime T: type,
lhs: T,
rhs: T,
comptime fields: []const std.meta.FieldEnum(T),
) std.math.Order {
inline for (fields) |field| {
const order = order_enums(
@field(lhs, @tagName(field)),
@field(rhs, @tagName(field)),
if (order != .eq) return order;
return .eq;
Because the list of fields is known at compile time, the loop is fully unrolled, and the actual
generated code ends up looking as a sequence of direct comparisons. @field
fetches a field from a
value given a comptime
field’s name. order_enums
is a little helper which allows comparing
either numbers or enums:
fn order_enums(lhs: anytype, rhs: @TypeOf(lhs)) std.math.Order {
return switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(lhs))) {
.int => std.math.order(lhs, rhs),
.@"enum" => std.math.order(
else => comptime unreachable,
is a builtin that allows reflecting on the structure of types. In particular, it
classifies types as structs, unions, enums, integers, etc, exactly what we need here. One wrinkle
here is that enum
is a keyword, so the enum
variant of @typeInfo
is spelled as @"enum"
. The
syntax allows using any string as a Zig identifier, it’s an escape for keywords.
And that’s basically it for indexes! Now we have our main table (object table), and a number of index tables. The next task is to bundle them together, so that we can enforce consistency between the tables.
The Bundle
The next thing we will be building is the Bundle
. It takes a type, a list of fields to build
indexes over, and provides an API for creating and looking up values while maintaining consistency
of indexes:
pub fn BundleType(
comptime Value: type,
comptime indexed_fields: []const std.meta.FieldEnum(Value),
) type
With the bundle, we can finally explain what is the database that we’ve started with:
const DB = struct {
account: BundleType(Account, &.{}),
transfer: BundleType(Transfer, &.{
And these were the API we used, and which we’ll now implement:
var db: DB = ...;
try db.account.create(gpa, .{ .balance = 100 });
db.account.update(.{ .id = debit_account, .balance = dr.balance - amount });
try db.transfer.create(gpa, .{
.debit_account = debit_account,
.credit_account = credit_account,
.amount = amount,
.{ .debit_account = alice, .credit_account = bob },
Let’s start:
pub fn BundleType(
comptime Value: type,
comptime indexed_fields: []const std.meta.FieldEnum(Value),
) type {
return struct {
id_counter: u64 = 0,
objects: TableType(Value.ID, Value, struct {
pub fn key_fn(value: Value) Value.ID {
pub fn key_cmp(
lhs: Value.ID,
rhs: Value.ID,
) std.math.Order {
return std.math.order(
}) = .{},
indexes: ???,
const Bundle = @This();
pub fn get(bundle: *Bundle, id: Value.ID) ?Value {
return bundle.objects.get(id);
The basic structure is clear: we have an id_counter
for assigning new ids when creating values,
the object table which stores sorted values and which directly powers the get
method, and then we
have the indexes. The indexes are tricky. For transfers, where we index debit_account
, we want the indexes
to look like this:
indexes: struct {
debit_account: IndexTableType(Transfer, .debit_account),
credit_account: IndexTableType(Transfer, .credit_account),
So we need to iterate over passed in indexed_fields
and create a struct with a field for each
index. And that’s exactly what we’ll do:
indexes: blk: {
var fields: [indexed_fields.len]std.builtin.Type.StructField =
for (indexed_fields, 0..) |indexed, i| {
const Type = IndexTableType(Value, indexed);
fields[i] = .{
.name = @tagName(indexed),
.type = Type,
.default_value_ptr = &(Type{}),
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = @alignOf(Type),
break :blk @Type(.{ .@"struct" = .{
.layout = .auto,
.is_tuple = false,
.decls = &.{},
.fields = &fields,
} });
} = .{},
This makes much more sense if you read it backwards:
break :blk
“returns” a value from the block labeledblk:
, this is Zig’s more imperative take on “everything is an expression” -
We return a
is an inverse of@TypeInfo
, in a sense that, hand waving a bit,@Type(@TypeInfo(T)) == T
. That is, we pass a description of the type, and get a type back. What we want to get is a struct with fields, so we pass@"struct"
and an array of fields. -
Each element of
is anstd.builtin.Type.StructField
, a description of a field, that is, its type, name, and default. -
The type is
const Type = IndexTableType(Value, indexed);
That is, the index table for theindexed
field ofValue
. - The name matches the name of the index field.
And the default is just a default for the
. -
Finally, we need
Now that we have all tables, create
and update
are relatively straightforward. For create
, we
need to make sure to insert the appropriate values into the objects table and into all of the
pub fn create(
bundle: *Bundle,
gpa: std.mem.Allocator,
value: Value,
) !Value.ID {
assert(@intFromEnum( == 0);
try bundle.objects.reserve(gpa, 1);
inline for (indexed_fields) |field| {
try @field(bundle.indexes, @tagName(field))
.reserve(gpa, 1);
errdefer comptime unreachable;
bundle.id_counter += 1;
const id: Value.ID = @enumFromInt(bundle.id_counter);
var value_with_id = value; = id;
inline for (indexed_fields) |indexed_field| {
const field = @tagName(indexed_field);
@field(bundle.indexes, field)
.insert(.{ .field = @field(value, field), .id = id });
return id;
We start with asserting that the id is 0. It’s our job to assign the id! But, before we do that, we
reserve space for one more entry in all the tables. This is the place in the function where we
allocate, and where we can fail. The cryptic
errdefer comptime unreachable
is a Zig tongue twister to say that no errors can happen after this point in function. Separating
memory reservation and actual modification is helpful to make sure that the data structure remains
consistent even in the face of a memory error.
Had we not split out fallible reserve
from infallible insert
, and kept the allocation inside
, we could have ended in a situation when a value is inserted only in some of the indexes.
I must admit that I am deeply skeptical that it is possible to consistently handle these kind of issues on memory allocation error correctly, I am in the “abort on OOM” camp personally. As a quick quiz, have you noticed when we didn’t handle this issue correctly in the code we’ve already seen?
With that throat clearing done, the actual logic is straightforward:
- assign id,
- insert the value into the objects table,
and then, for each of the indexed fields, insert the
(id, field)
pair into the corresponding index tree. Theinline for
loop is guaranteed to be fully unrolled at compile time.
As usual, we use @field
to get a field by name (c.f. JavaScript
vs obj[foo]
The update
is even simple, as we don’t need to allocate new memory. So we just remove old values
and insert new ones:
pub fn update(bundle: *Bundle, value_new: Value) void {
const id =;
assert(@intFromEnum(id) != 0);
const value_old = bundle.get(;
assert( == id);
inline for (indexed_fields) |indexed_field| {
const field = @tagName(indexed_field);
@field(bundle.indexes, field).remove(.{
.field = @field(value_old, field),
.id = id,
@field(bundle.indexes, field).insert(.{
.field = @field(value_new, field),
.id = id,
Although simple, this is the trick that makes the whole relational model work. See how we keep the indexes consistent, by looking up the old value, and removing the corresponding old pairs from indexes.
If that was to easy, don’t worry, we’ll do filter
next, and that’s the toughest one in the entire
exercise :)
Merge Sort Join
Let’s revisit our original example:
var transfers_buffer: [10]Transfer = undefined;
const alice_to_bob_transfers = db.transfer.filter(
.{ .debit_account = alice, .credit_account = bob },
for (alice_to_bob_transfers) |t| {
std.debug.print("alice to bob: from={} to={} amount={}\n", .{
The filter takes a filtering condition, equality conditions on a subset of indexed fields. It then fills the output buffer with as much objects as possible that match all conditions. How can we do that effectively?
Recall that our index tables are sorted by the field’s value first, and then by the object’s ID. So, to find
all transfers with
.debit_account = alice
we binary search the debit account index for pairs starting with alice
. Similarly, we can find all
transfers with
.credit_account = bob
, by binary searching in the other index table.
In both indexes, we get some slice of pairs whose first components are alice
and bob
respectively. Whats more, the second components of the pairs are sorted transfers ids! So, if we
want to find ids which match both conditions, we merge two sorted sequences of ids!
Now let’s do this for an arbitrary number of indexes:
pub fn filter(bundle: *Bundle, query: anytype, out: []Value) []Value {
We can’t really type the query
parameter, so we use Zig’s anytype
here. This is not dynamic
typing, rather, it’s monomorphization maximus — every distinct type of query
will generate a
fresh copy of the filter
First, we reflect on query
to figure out how many index tables we need to intersect:
const fields = comptime std.meta.fieldNames(@TypeOf(query));
Then, we setup a bunch of indexes (the ijk
kind, not the database index kind). We need an index
into the output buffer, and index into the object table, and an index for each index table:
var out_index: usize = 0;
var object_index: usize = 0;
var indexes: [fields.len]usize = @splat(0);
Then, for each index table, we’d want to get a slice of pairs that match the query. Ideally, we’d
want to have fields.len
local variables, one variable per each query field, but Zig doesn’t allow
creating local variables via reflection.
What we can have though is a single variable, which is a tuple of slices. To create such a thing, we first need to create its type:
const TupleOfSlices = comptime blk: {
var components: [fields.len]type = undefined;
for (0..fields.len) |i| {
const IndexTable = @FieldType(
const Pair = IndexTable.Value;
components[i] = []Pair;
break :blk std.meta.Tuple(&components);
var slices: TupleOfSlices = undefined;
Then, we can use the search
function to find the actual slices:
var slices: TupleOfSlices = undefined;
inline for (fields, 0..) |field, i| {
const index = @field(bundle.indexes, field).search(.{
.field = @field(query, field),
.id = @enumFromInt(0),
}, 0);
slices[i] = @field(bundle.indexes, field)
Now, the merge algorithm proper. We are pointing a finger at each of the slices we have and, on each
step, advance the fingers that point at the smallest ID. If at some point all our fingers point at the same id, we fetch the corresponding Value
and add it to the output.
Ideally, we’d use a k-way merge mere (comptime
specialized to a particular k!), but, for
simplicity, we’ll use linear search to find the lowest id. We will be iterating until either we run
out of space in the output buffer, or we run off one of our slices:
outer: while (true) {
if (out_index == out.len) break :outer;
inline for (0..fields.len) |i| {
if (indexes[i] == slices[i].len) {
break :outer;
if (slices[i][indexes[i]].field != @field(query, fields[i])) {
break :outer;
Then, we find the minimum ID:
var id_min = slices[0][indexes[0]].id;
inline for (1..slices.len) |i| {
const id_next = slices[i][indexes[i]].id
if (@intFromEnum(id_next) < @intFromEnum(id_min)) {
id_min = id_next;
Then, we advance all slices with the minimal ID, counting them:
var advanced_count: u32 = 0;
inline for (0..slices.len) |i| {
if (slices[i][indexes[i]].id == id_min) {
indexes[i] += 1;
advanced_count += 1;
If we advanced all slices (that is, all ids at a particular position are the same), we lookup the corresponding transfer in the object table and add it to the output:
if (advanced_count == slices.len) {
object_index =, object_index);
assert(object_index < bundle.objects.values.items.len);
const value = bundle.objects.values.items[object_index];
inline for (fields) |field| {
assert(@field(value, field) == @field(query, field));
out[out_index] = value;
out_index += 1;
object_index += 1;
This is where we pass a non-zero index to search
pub fn filter(bundle: *Bundle, query: anytype, out: []Value) []Value {
const fields = comptime std.meta.fieldNames(@TypeOf(query));
var indexes: [fields.len]usize = @splat(0);
var out_index: usize = 0;
var object_index: usize = 0;
const TupleOfSlices = comptime blk: {
var components: [fields.len]type = undefined;
for (0..fields.len) |i| {
const IndexTable = @FieldType(
const Pair = IndexTable.Value;
components[i] = []Pair;
break :blk std.meta.Tuple(&components);
var slices: TupleOfSlices = undefined;
inline for (fields, 0..) |field, i| {
const index = @field(bundle.indexes, field).search(.{
.field = @field(query, field),
.id = @enumFromInt(0),
}, 0);
slices[i] = @field(bundle.indexes, field)
outer: while (true) {
if (out_index == out.len) break :outer;
inline for (0..fields.len) |i| {
if (indexes[i] == slices[i].len) {
break :outer;
if (slices[i][indexes[i]].field != @field(query, fields[i])) {
break :outer;
var id_min = slices[0][indexes[0]].id;
inline for (1..slices.len) |i| {
const id_next = slices[i][indexes[i]].id;
if (@intFromEnum(id_next) < @intFromEnum(id_min)) {
id_min = id_next;
var advanced_count: u32 = 0;
inline for (0..slices.len) |i| {
if (slices[i][indexes[i]].id == id_min) {
indexes[i] += 1;
advanced_count += 1;
if (advanced_count == slices.len) {
object_index =, object_index);
assert(object_index < bundle.objects.values.items.len);
const value = bundle.objects.values.items[object_index];
inline for (fields) |field| {
assert(@field(value, field) == @field(query, field));
out[out_index] = value;
out_index += 1;
object_index += 1;
return out[0..out_index];
Congratulations! We’ve finished BundleType
, which means we are past the worst of it, and are
almost at the end!
The Database Factory
We only need code to turn
const DB = DBType(.{
.tables = .{
.account = Account,
.transfer = Transfer,
.indexes = .{
.transfer = .{
.debit_account, .credit_account,
into a bunch of bundles with indexes, but at this point this should be trivial:
pub fn DBType(comptime schema: anytype) type {
const bundle_names =
var bundles: [bundle_names.len]std.builtin.Type.StructField =
for (bundle_names, 0..) |name, i| {
const Value = @field(schema.tables, name);
const indexes =
if (@hasField(@TypeOf(schema.indexes), name))
@field(schema.indexes, name)
const Bundle = BundleType(Value, &indexes);
bundles[i] = .{
.name = name,
.type = Bundle,
.default_value_ptr = &Bundle{},
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = @alignOf(Bundle),
return @Type(.{ .@"struct" = .{
.layout = .auto,
.is_tuple = false,
.decls = &.{},
.fields = &bundles,
} });
Here’s the entire thing, db.zig
, just under 300 lines:
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
pub fn DBType(comptime schema: anytype) type {
const bundle_names =
var bundles: [bundle_names.len]std.builtin.Type.StructField =
for (bundle_names, 0..) |name, i| {
const Value = @field(schema.tables, name);
const indexes =
if (@hasField(@TypeOf(schema.indexes), name))
@field(schema.indexes, name)
const Bundle = BundleType(Value, &indexes);
bundles[i] = .{
.name = name,
.type = Bundle,
.default_value_ptr = &Bundle{},
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = @alignOf(Bundle),
return @Type(.{ .@"struct" = .{
.layout = .auto,
.is_tuple = false,
.decls = &.{},
.fields = &bundles,
} });
pub fn BundleType(
comptime Value: type,
comptime indexed_fields: []const std.meta.FieldEnum(Value),
) type {
return struct {
id_counter: u64 = 0,
objects: TableType(Value.ID, Value, struct {
pub fn key_fn(value: Value) Value.ID {
pub fn key_cmp(lhs: Value.ID, rhs: Value.ID) std.math.Order {
return std.math.order(@intFromEnum(lhs), @intFromEnum(rhs));
}) = .{},
indexes: blk: {
var fields: [indexed_fields.len]std.builtin.Type.StructField = undefined;
for (indexed_fields, 0..) |indexed, i| {
const Type = IndexTableType(Value, indexed);
fields[i] = .{
.name = @tagName(indexed),
.type = Type,
.default_value_ptr = &(Type{}),
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = @alignOf(Type),
break :blk @Type(.{ .@"struct" = .{
.layout = .auto,
.is_tuple = false,
.decls = &.{},
.fields = &fields,
} });
} = .{},
const Bundle = @This();
pub fn get(bundle: *Bundle, id: Value.ID) ?Value {
return bundle.objects.get(id);
pub fn create(
bundle: *Bundle,
gpa: std.mem.Allocator,
value: Value,
) !Value.ID {
assert(@intFromEnum( == 0);
try bundle.objects.reserve(gpa, 1);
inline for (indexed_fields) |field| {
try @field(bundle.indexes, @tagName(field))
.reserve(gpa, 1);
errdefer comptime unreachable;
bundle.id_counter += 1;
const id: Value.ID = @enumFromInt(bundle.id_counter);
var value_with_id = value; = id;
inline for (indexed_fields) |indexed_field| {
const field = @tagName(indexed_field);
@field(bundle.indexes, field)
.insert(.{ .field = @field(value, field), .id = id });
return id;
pub fn update(bundle: *Bundle, value_new: Value) void {
const id =;
assert(@intFromEnum(id) != 0);
const value_old = bundle.get(;
assert( == id);
inline for (indexed_fields) |indexed_field| {
const field = @tagName(indexed_field);
@field(bundle.indexes, field)
.remove(.{ .field = @field(value_old, field), .id = id });
@field(bundle.indexes, field)
.insert(.{ .field = @field(value_new, field), .id = id });
pub fn filter(bundle: *Bundle, query: anytype, out: []Value) []Value {
const fields = comptime std.meta.fieldNames(@TypeOf(query));
var indexes: [fields.len]usize = @splat(0);
var out_index: usize = 0;
var object_index: usize = 0;
const TupleOfSlices = comptime blk: {
var components: [fields.len]type = undefined;
for (0..fields.len) |i| {
const IndexTable = @FieldType(
const Pair = IndexTable.Value;
components[i] = []Pair;
break :blk std.meta.Tuple(&components);
var slices: TupleOfSlices = undefined;
inline for (fields, 0..) |field, i| {
const index = @field(bundle.indexes, field).search(.{
.field = @field(query, field),
.id = @enumFromInt(0),
}, 0);
slices[i] = @field(bundle.indexes, field)
outer: while (true) {
if (out_index == out.len) break :outer;
inline for (0..fields.len) |i| {
if (indexes[i] == slices[i].len) break :outer;
if (slices[i][indexes[i]].field != @field(query, fields[i])) break :outer;
var id_min = slices[0][indexes[0]].id;
inline for (1..slices.len) |i| {
if (@intFromEnum(slices[i][indexes[i]].id) < @intFromEnum(id_min)) {
id_min = slices[i][indexes[i]].id;
var advanced_count: u32 = 0;
inline for (0..slices.len) |i| {
if (slices[i][indexes[i]].id == id_min) {
indexes[i] += 1;
advanced_count += 1;
if (advanced_count == slices.len) {
object_index =, object_index);
assert(object_index < bundle.objects.values.items.len);
const value = bundle.objects.values.items[object_index];
inline for (fields) |field| {
assert(@field(value, field) == @field(query, field));
out[out_index] = value;
out_index += 1;
object_index += 1;
return out[0..out_index];
fn IndexTableType(comptime Value: type, comptime field: std.meta.FieldEnum(Value)) type {
const FieldType = @FieldType(Value, @tagName(field));
const Pair = struct {
field: FieldType,
id: Value.ID,
return TableType(Pair, Pair, struct {
pub fn key_fn(value: Pair) Pair {
return value;
pub fn key_cmp(lhs: Pair, rhs: Pair) std.math.Order {
return order_by(Pair, lhs, rhs, &.{ .field, .id });
fn order_by(
comptime T: type,
lhs: T,
rhs: T,
comptime fields: []const std.meta.FieldEnum(T),
) std.math.Order {
inline for (fields) |field| {
const order = order_enums(
@field(lhs, @tagName(field)),
@field(rhs, @tagName(field)),
if (order != .eq) return order;
return .eq;
fn order_enums(lhs: anytype, rhs: @TypeOf(lhs)) std.math.Order {
return switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(lhs))) {
.int => std.math.order(lhs, rhs),
.@"enum" => std.math.order(
else => comptime unreachable,
fn TableType(
comptime KeyType: type,
comptime ValueType: type,
comptime Functions: type,
) type {
const key_fn = Functions.key_fn;
const key_cmp = Functions.key_cmp;
return struct {
values: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Value) = .empty,
pub const Key = KeyType;
pub const Value = ValueType;
const Table = @This();
pub fn get(table: *const Table, key: Key) ?Value {
const index =, 0);
if (index >= table.values.items.len) return null;
const value = table.values.items[index];
if (key_cmp(key, key_fn(value)) != .eq) return null;
return value;
pub fn reserve(table: *Table, gpa: std.mem.Allocator, extra: usize) !void {
try table.values.ensureUnusedCapacity(gpa, extra);
pub fn insert(table: *Table, value: Value) void {
assert(table.values.unusedCapacitySlice().len > 0);
const index =, 0);
table.values.insertAssumeCapacity(index, value);
pub fn remove(table: *Table, value: Value) void {
const index =, 0);
const removed = table.values.orderedRemove(index);
assert(std.meta.eql(value, removed));
pub fn search(table: *const Table, key: Key, start_index: usize) usize {
return start_index + std.sort.lowerBound(
fn compare_fn(key: Key, value: Value) std.math.Order {
return key_cmp(key, key_fn(value));
Post Script
Note that, while the exercise is useful, it deliberately focuses narrowly on a single aspect of Zig — comptime reflection. You should avoid this feature if possible: hopefully, I have successfully convinced you that they can lead to somewhat mind-bending code. The topic of Zig in general is much larger, and I highly recommend the following resources, in this order: