The Watermelon Operator
In these two most excellent articles, and, withoutboats introduces the concepts of “multi-task” and “intra-task” concurrency. I want to revisit this distinction — while I agree that there are different classes of patterns of concurrency here, I am not quite satisfied with this specific partitioning of the design space. I will use Rust-like syntax for most of the examples, but I am more interested in the language-agnostic patterns, rather than in Rust’s specific implementation of async.
The Two Examples
Let’s introduce the two kinds of concurrency using a somewhat abstract example. We want to handle a
by doing some computation and then persisting the results in the database and in the cache.
Notably, writes to the cache and to the database can proceed concurrently. So, something like this:
async fn process(
db: Database,
cache: Cache,
request: Request,
) -> Response {
let response = compute_response(db, cache, request).await;
spawn(update_db(db, response));
spawn(update_cache(cache, response));
async fn update_db(db: Database, response: Response);
async fn update_cache(cache: Cache, response: Response);
fn spawn<T>(f: impl Future<Output = T>) -> JoinHandle<T>;
This is multi-task concurrency style — we fire off two tasks for updating the database and the cache. Here’s the same snippet in intra-task style, where we use join function on futures:
async fn process(
db: Database,
cache: Cache,
request: Request,
) -> Response {
let response = compute_response(db, cache, request).await;
update_db(db, response),
update_cache(cache, response),
async fn update_db(db: Database, response: Response) { ... }
async fn update_cache(cache: Cache, response: Response) { ... }
async fn join<U, V>(
f: impl Future<Output = U>,
g: impl Future<Output = V>,
) -> (U, V);
In other words:
Multi-task concurrency uses spawn
— an operation that takes a future and starts a tasks that
executes independently of the parent task.
Intra-task concurrency uses join
— an operation that takes a pair of futures and executes them
concurrently as a part of the current task.
But what is the actual difference between the two?
Parallelism is not
One candidate is parallelism — with spawn
, the tasks can run not only concurrently, but actually
in parallel, on different CPU cores. join
restricts them to the same thread that runs the main
task. But I think this is not quite right, abstractly, and is more of a product of specific Rust
APIs. There are executors which spawn on the current thread only. And, while in Rust it’s not
really possible to make join
poll the futures in parallel, I think this is just an artifact of
Rust existing API design (futures can’t opt-out of synchronous cancellation). In other words, I
think it is possible in theory to implement an async runtime which provides all of the following
functions at the same time:
fn spawn<F>(fut: F) -> JoinHandle<Output = F::Output>
F: Future;
fn pspawn<F>(fut: F) -> PJoinHandle<Output = F>
F: Future + Send + 'static,
F::Output: Send + 'static;
async fn join<F1, F2>(
fut1: F1,
fut2: F2,
) -> (F1::Output, F2::Output)
F1: Future,
F2: Future;
async fn pjoin<F1, F2>(
fut1: F1,
fut2: F2,
) -> (F1::Output, F2::Output)
F1: Future + Send, // NB: only Send, no 'static
F1::Output: Send,
F2: Future + Send,
F2::Output: Send;
To confuse matters further, let’s rewrite our example in TypeScript:
async function process(
db: Database,
cache: Cache,
request: Request,
): Response {
const response = await compute_response(db, cache, request);
const db_update = update_db(db, response);
const cache_update = update_cache(cache, response);
await Promise.all([db_update, cache_update]);
return response
and using Rust’s rayon library:
fn process(
db: Database,
cache: Cache,
request: Request,
) -> Response {
let response = compute_response(db, cache, request).await;
|| update_db(db, response),
|| update_cache(cache, response),
Are these examples multi-task or intra-task? To me, the TypeScript one feels multi-task — although
it is syntactically close to join().async
, the two update promises are running independently from
the parent task. If we forget the call to Promise.all
, the cache and the database would still get
updated (but likely after we would have returned the response to the user)! In contrast, rayon
feels intra-task — although the closures could get stolen and be run by a different thread, they
won’t “escape” dynamic extent of the encompassing process
To await or await to?
Let’s zoom in onto the JS and the join examples:
async function process(
db: Database,
cache: Cache,
request: Request
): Response {
const response = await compute_response(db, cache, request);
await Promise.all([
update_db(db, response),
update_cache(cache, response),
return response;
async fn process(
db: Database,
cache: Cache,
request: Request,
) -> Response {
let response = compute_response(db, cache, request).await;
update_db(db, response),
update_cache(cache, response),
I’ve re-written the JavaScript version to be syntactically isomorphic to the Rust one. The
difference is on the semantic level: JavaScript promises are eager, they start executing as soon as
a promise is created. In contrast, Rust futures are lazy — they do nothing until polled. And
this I think is the fundamental difference, it is lazy vs. eager “futures” (thread::spawn
is an
eager “future” while rayon::join
a lazy one).
And it seems that lazy semantics is quite a bit more elegant! The beauty of
update_db(db, response),
update_cache(cache, response),
is that it’s Molière’s prose — this is structured concurrency, but without bundles, nurseries, scopes, and other weird APIs.
It makes runtime semantics nicer even in dynamically typed languages. In JavaScript, forgetting an
await is a common, and very hard to spot problem — without await, code still works, but is
sometimes wrong (if the async operation doesn’t finish quite as fast as usual). Imagine JS with
lazy promises — there, forgetting an await
would always consistently break. So, the need to
statically lint missing awaits will be less pressing.
Compare this with Erlang’s take on nulls: while in typical dynamically typed languages partial
functions can return a value T
or a None
, in Erlang the convention is to return either {ok, T}
or none
. That is, even if the value is non-null, the call-site is forced to unpack it, you can’t
write code that happens to work as long as T
is non-null.
And of course, in Rust, the killer feature of lazy futures is that you can just borrow data from the enclosing scope.
But it seems like there is one difference between multi-task and intra-task concurrency.
One, Two, N, and More
In the words of withoutboats:
The first limitation is that it is only possible to achieve a static arity of concurrency with intra-task concurrency. That is, you cannot join (or select, etc) an arbitrary number of futures with intra-task concurrency: the number must be fixed at compile time.
That is, you can do
join(a, b).await
join(a, b)
and, with some macros, even
join!(a, b, c, d, e, f).await;
but you can’t do join(xs...).await
I think this is incorrect, in a trivial and in an interesting way.
The trivial incorrectness is that there’s join_all
, that takes a slice of futures and is a direct
generalization of join
to a runtime-variable number of futures.
But join_all
still can’t express the case where you don’t know the number of futures up-front,
where you spawn some work, and only later realize that you need to spawn some more.
This is sort-of possible to express with FuturesUnordered
, but that’s a yuck API. I mean, even
its name screams “DO NOT USE ME!”.
But I do think that this is just an unfortunate API, and that the pattern actually can be expressed in intra-task concurrency style nicely.
Let’s take a closer look at the base case, join
Asynchronous Semicolon
Section title is a bit of a giveaway. The join
operator is async ;
. The semicolon is an
operator of sequential composition:
A; B
runs A
first and then B
In contrast, join
is concurrent composition:
join(A, B)
runs A
and B
And both join
and ;
share the same problem — they can compose only a finite number of things.
But that’s why we have other operators for sequential composition! If we know how many things we
need to run, we can use a counted for
loop. And join_all
is an analogue of a counted for loop!
In case where we don’t know up-front when to stop, we use a while
. And this is exactly what we
miss — there’s no concurrently-flavored while
Importantly, what we are looking for is not an async for:
async for x in iter {
Here, although there could be some concurrency inside a single loop iteration, the iterations themselves are run sequentially. The second iteration starts only when the first one finished. Pictorially, this looks like a spiral, or a loop if we look from the side:
What we rather want is to run many copies of the body concurrently, something like this:
A spindle-like shape with many concurrent strands, which looks like wheel’s spokes from the side. Or, if you are really short on fitting metaphors:
The Watermelon Operator
Now, I understand that I’ve already poked fun at the unfortunate FuturesUnordered
name, but I can’t
really find a fitting name for the construct we want here. So I am going to boringly use
keyword, which is way too long, but I’ll refer to it as “the watermelon operator”
The stripes on the watermelon resemble the independent strands of execution this operator creates:
So, if you are writing a TCP server, your accept loop could look like this:
concurrently let Some(socket) = listener.accept().await in {
This runs accept in a loop, and, for each accepted socket, runs handle_connection
There are as many concurrent handle_connection
calls as there are ready sockets in our listener!
Let’s limit the maximum number of concurrent connections, to provide back pressure:
let semaphore = Semaphore::new(16);
let Some((socket, permit)) = try {
let permit = semaphore.acquire().await;
let socket = listener.accept().await?;
(socket, permit)
in {
You get the idea (hopefully):
- In the “head” of our concurrent loop (cooloop?) construct, we first acquire a semaphore permit and then fetch a socket.
- Both the socket and the permit are passed to the body.
- The body releases the permit at the end.
- While the “head” construct runs in a loop concurrently to bodies, it is throttled by the minimum of the available permits and ready connections.
To make this more concrete, let’s spell this out as a library function:
async fn join<F1, F2>(
fut1: F1,
fut2: F2,
) -> (F1::Output, F2::Output)
F1: Future,
F2: Future;
async fn join_all<F>(futs: Vec<F>) -> Vec<F::Output>
F: Future;
async fn concurrently<C, FC, B, FB, T>(condition: C, body: B)
C: FnMut() -> FC,
FC: Future<Output = Option<T>>,
B: FnMut(T) -> FB,
FB: Future<Output = ()>;
I claim that this is the full set of “primitive” operations needed to express more-or-less everything in intra-task concurrency style.
In particular, we can implement multi-task concurrency this way! To do so, we’ll write a universal
watermelon operator, where the T
which is passed to the body is an
Box<dyn Future<Output=()>>
and where the body just runs this future:
async fn multi_task_concurrency_main(
spawn: impl Fn(impl Future<Output = ()> + 'static),
) {
type AnyFuture = Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'static>;
async fn universal_watermelon() {
let (sender, receiver) = channel::<AnyFuture>();
multi_task_concurrency_main(move |fut| {
|| async {
|fut| async {
Note that the conversion in the opposite direction is not possible! With intra-task concurrency, we
can borrow from the parent stack frame. So it is not a problem to restrict that to only allow
futures into the channel. In a sense, in the above example we return the future up the
stack, which explains why it can’t borrow locals from our stack frame.
With multi-task concurrency though, we start with static futures. To let them borrow any stack data requires unsafe.
Note also that the above set of operators, join
, join_all
, concurrently
is orthogonal to
parallelism. Alongside those operators, there could exist pjoin
, pjoin_all
and pconcurrently
with the Send
bounds, such that you could mix and match parallel and single-core concurrency.
If a Stack is a Tree, Does it Make Any Difference?
One possible objection to the above framing of watermelon as a language-level operator is that it seemingly doesn’t pass zero-cost abstraction test. It can start an unbounded number of futures, and those futures have to be stored somewhere. So we have a language operator which requires dynamic memory allocation, which is a big no-no for any systems programming language.
I think there is some truth to it, and not an insignificant amount of it, but I think I can maybe weasel out of it.
Consider recursion. Recursion also can allocate arbitrary amount of memory (on the stack), but that is considered fine (I would also agree that it is not in fact fine that unbounded recursion is considered fine, but, for the scope of this discussion, I will be a hypocrite and will ignore that opinion of mine).
And here, we have essentially the same situation — we want to allocate arbitrary many (async) stack frames, arranged in a tree. Doing it “on the heap” is easy, but we don’t like the heap here. Luckily, I believe there’s a compilation scheme (hat tip to @rpjohnst for patiently explaining it to me five times in different words) that implements this more-or-less as efficiently as the normal call stack.
The idea is that we will have two stacks — a sync one and an async one. Specifically:
- Every sync function we compile normally, with a single stack.
Async functions get two stack pointers. So, we burn
and one other register (let’s call itasp
). -
If an async function calls a sync function, the callee’s frame is pushed onto
. Crucially, because sync functions can only call othersync
functions, the callee doesn’t need to know the value ofasp
. -
If an async function calls another async function, the frame (specifically, the “variables live
across await point” part of it) is pushed onto
. - This async stack is segmented. So, for async function calls, we also do a check for “do we have enough stack?” and, if not, allocate a new segment, linking them via a frame pointer.
- “Allocating a new segment” doesn’t mean that we actually go and call malloc. Rather, there’s a fixed-sized contiguous slab of say, 8 megs, out of which all async frames are allocated.
- If we are out of async-stack, we crash in pretty much the same way as for the boring sync stack overflow.
While this looks just like Go-style segmented stacks, I think this scheme is quite a bit more efficient (warning: I in general have a tendency to confidently talk about things I know little about, and this one is the extreme case of that. If some Go compiler engineer disagrees with me, I am probably in the wrong!).
The main difference is that the distinction between sync and async functions is maintained in the type system. There are no changes for sync functions at all, so the principle of don’t pay for what you don’t use is observed. This is in contrast to Go — I believe that Go, in general, can’t know whether a particular function can yield (that is, if any function it (indirectly) calls can yield), so it has to conservatively insert stack checks everywhere.
Then, even the async stack frames don’t have to store everything, but just the stuff live across await. Everything that happens between two awaits can go to the normal stack.
On top of that, async functions can still do aggressive inlining. So, the async call (and the stack growth check) has to happen only for dynamically dispatched async calls!
Furthermore, the future trait could have some kind of size_hint
method, which returns the lower
and the upper bound on the size of the stack. Fully concrete futures type-erased to dyn Future
would return the exact amount (a, Some(a))
. The caller would be required to allocate at least
bytes of the async stack. The callee uses that contract to elide stack checks. Unknown bound,
(a, None)
would only be returned if type-erased concrete future itself calls something
dynamically dispatched. So only dynamically dispatched calls would have to do stack grow checks, and
that cost seems negligible in comparison to the cost of missing optimizations due to inability to
Altogether, it feels like this adds up to something sufficiently cheap to just call it “async stack allocation”.
I guess that’s all for today? Summarizing:
- Inter-task vs intra-task distinction is mostly orthogonal to the question of parallelism.
- I claim that this is the same distinction as between eager and lazy futures.
- In particular, there’s no principled obstacles for runtime-bounded intra-task concurrency.
But we do miss
, but nice. Theconcurrently
operator/function feels like a sufficiently low-hanging watermelon here. - One wrinkle is that watermelon requires dynamic allocation, but it looks like we could just completely upend the compilation strategy we use for futures, implement async segmented stacks which should be pretty fast, and also gain nice dynamically dispatched (and recursive) async functions for free?
Haha, just kidding! Bonus content! This really should be a separate blog post, but it is tangentially related, so here we go:
Applied Duality
So far, we’ve focused on join
, the operator that takes two futures, and “runs” them concurrently,
returning both results as a pair. But there’s a second, dual operator:
async fn race<F1, F2>(
fut1: F1,
fut2: F2,
) -> Either<F1::Output, F2::Output>
F1: Future,
F2: Future,
Like join
, race
runs two futures concurrently. Unlike join
, it returns only one result —
that which came first. This operator is the basis for a more general select
Although race
is dual to join
, I don’t think it is as fundamental. It is possible to have two
dual things, where one of them is in the basis and the other is derived. For example, it is an axiom
of the set theory that the union of two sets, A ∪ B
, is a set. Although the intersection of sets,
A ∩ B
is a dual for union, existence of intersection is not an axiom. Rather, the intersection
is defined using axiom of specification:
A ∩ B := {x ∈ A : x ∈ B}
Proposition 131.7.1: race
can be defined in terms of join
The race
operator is trickier than it seems. Yes, it returns the result of the future that
finished first, but what happens with the other one? It gets cancelled. Rust implements this
cancellation “for free”, by just dropping the future, but this is restrictive. This is precisely the
issue that prevents pjoin
from working.
I postulate that fully general cancellation is an asynchronous protocol:
- A requests that B is cancelled.
- B receives this cancellation request and starts winding down.
- A waits until B is cancelled.
That is, cancellation is not “I cancel thou”. Rather it is “I ask you to stop, and then I cooperatively wait until you do so”. This is very abstract, but the following two examples should help make this concrete.
A is some generic asynchronous task, which offloads some computation-heavy work to a CPU pool. That work (B) doesn’t have checks for cancelled flags. So, if A is cancelled, it can’t really stop B, which means we are violating structured concurrency.
A is doing async IO. Specifically, A uses
to read data from a socket. A owns a buffer, and passes a pointer to it to the kernel viaio_uring
as the target buffer for aread
syscall. While A is being cancelled, the kernel writes data to this buffer. If A doesn’t wait until the kernel is done, buffer’s memory might get reused, and the kernel would corrupt some unrelated data.
These examples are somewhat unsatisfactory — A is philosophical (who needs structured
concurrency?), while B is esoteric (who uses io_uring
in 2024?). But the two can be combined into
something rather pedestrianly bad:
Like in the case A, an async task submits some work to a CPU pool. But this time the work is very
specific — computing a cryptographic checksum of a message owned by A. Because this is
cryptography, this is going to be some hyper-optimized SIMD loop which definitely won’t have any
affordance for checking some sort of a cancelled
flag. The loop would have to run to completion,
or at least to a safe point. And, because the loop checksums data owned by A, we can’t destroy A
before the loop exits, otherwise it’ll be reading garbage memory!
And this example is the reason why
async fn pjoin<F1, F2>(
fut1: F1,
fut2: F2,
) -> (F1::Output, F2::Output)
F1: Future + Send,
F1::Output: Send,
F2: Future + Send,
F2::Output: Send,
can’t be a thing in Rust — if fut1
runs on a thread separate from the pjon
future, then, if
ends up being cancelled, fut1
would be pointing at garbage. You could have
async fn pjoin<F1, F2>(
fut1: F1,
fut2: F2,
) -> (F1::Output, F2::Output)
F1: Future + Send + 'static,
F1::Output: Send + 'static,
F2: Future + Send + 'static,
F2::Output: Send + 'static,
but that removes one of the major benefits of intra-task style API — ability to just borrow data.
So the fully general cancellation should be cooperative. Let’s assume that it is driven by some sort of cancellation token API:
impl CancellationSource {
fn request_cancellation(&self) { ... }
async fn await_cancellation(self) { ... }
async fn cancel(self) {
fn new_token(&self) -> CancellationToken { ... }
impl CancellationToken {
fn is_cancelled(&self) -> bool { ... }
fn on_cancelled(&self, callback: impl FnOnce()) { ... }
Note that the question of cancellation being cooperative is orthogonal to the question of explicit threading of cancellation tokens! They can be threaded implicitly (cooperative, implicit cancellation is how Python’s trio does this, though they don’t really document the cooperative part (the shields stuff)).
With this, we can write our own race
— we’ll create a cancellation scope and then join
modified futures, each of which would cancel the other upon completion:
fn race<U, V>(
fut1: impl async FnOnce(&CancellationToken) -> U,
fut2: impl async FnOnce(&CancellationToken) -> V,
) -> Either<U, V> {
let source = CancellationSource::new();
let token = source.new_token();
let u_or_v = join(
async {
let u = fut1(&token).await;
if token.is_cancelled() {
return None;
async {
let v = fut2(&token).await;
if token.is_cancelled() {
return None;
match u_or_v {
(Some(u), None) => Left(u),
(None, Some(v)) => Right(v),
_ => unreachable!(),
In other words, race
is but a cooperatively-cancelled join
That’s all for real for today, viva la vida!