How I Use Git Worktrees

There are a bunch of posts on the internet about using git worktree command. As far as I can tell, most of them are primarily about using worktrees as a replacement of, or a supplement to git branches. Instead of switching branches, you just change directories. This is also how I originally had used worktrees, but that didnt stick, and I abandoned them. But recently worktrees grew on me, though my new use-case is unlike branching.

When a Branch is Enough

If you use worktrees as a replacement for branching, thats great, no need to change anything! But let me start with explaining why that workflow isnt for me.

The principal problem with using branches is that its hard to context switch in the middle of doing something. You have your branch, your commit, a bunch of changes in the work tree, some of them might be stages and some unstaged. You cant really tell Git save all this context and restore it later. The solution that Git suggests here is to use stashing, but thats awkward, as it is too easy to get lost when stashing several things at the same time, and then applying the stash on top of the wrong branch.

Managing Git state became much easier for me when I realized that the staging area and the stash are just bad features, and life is easier if I avoid them. Instead, I just commit whatever and deal with it later. So, when I need to switch a branch in the middle of things, what I do is, basically:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m.
$ git switch another-branch

And, to switch back,

$ git switch -

# Undo the last commit, but keep its changes in the working tree
$ git reset HEAD~

To make this more streamlined, I have a ggc utility which does commit all with a trivial messageatomically.

And I dont always reset HEAD~ I usually just continue hacking with . in my Git log and then amend the commit once I am satisfied with subset of changes

So thats how I deal with switching branches. But why worktrees then?

Worktree Per Concurrent Activity

Its a bit hard to describe, but:

  • I have a fixed number of worktrees (5, to be exact)
  • worktrees are mostly uncorrelated to branches
  • but instead correspond to my concurrent activities during coding.


  • The main worktree is a readonly worktree that contains a recent snapshot of the remote main branch. I use this tree to compare the code I am currently working on and/or reviewing with the master version (this includes things like how long the build takes, what is the behavior of this test and the like, so not just the actual source code).

  • The work worktree, where I write most of the code. I often need to write new code and compare it with old code at the same time. But cant actually work on two different things in parallel. Thats why main and work are different worktrees, but work also constantly switches branches.

  • The review worktree, where I checkout code for code review. While I cant review code and write code at the same time, there is one thing I am implementing, and one thing I am reviewing, but the review and implementation proceed concurrently.

  • Then, theres the fuzz tree, where I run long-running fuzzing jobs for the code I am actively working on. My overall idealized feature workflow looks like this:

    # go to the `work` worktree
    $ cd ~/projects/tigerbeetle/work
    # Create a new branch. As we work with a centralized repo,
    # rather than personal forks, I tend to prefix my branch names
    # with `matklad/`
    $ git switch -c matklad/awesome-feature
    # Start with a reasonably clean slate.
    # In reality, I have yet another script to start a branch off
    # fresh from the main remote, but this reset is a good enough approximation.
    $ git reset --hard origin/main
    # For more complicated features, I start with an empty commit
    # and write the commit message _first_, before starting the work.
    # That's a good way to collect your thoughts and discover dead
    # ends more gracefully than hitting a brick wall coding at 80 WPM.
    $ git commit --allow-empty
    # Hack furiously writing throughway code.
    $ code .
    # At this point, I have something that I hope works
    # but would be embarrassed to share with anyone!
    # So that's the good place to kick off fuzzing.
    # First, I commit everything so far.
    # Remember, I have `ggc` one liner for this:
    $ git add . && git commit -m.
    # Now I go to my `fuzz` worktree and kick off fuzzing.
    # I usually split screen here.
    # On the left, I copy the current commit hash.
    # On the right, I switch to the fuzzing worktree,
    # switch to the copied commit, and start fuzzing:
    $ git add . && git commit -m.  |
    $ git rev-parse HEAD | ctrlc   | $ cd ../fuzz
    $                              | $ git switch -d $(ctrlv)
    $                              | $ ./zig/zig build fuzz
    $                              |
    # While the fuzzer hums on the right, I continue to furiously refactor
    # the code on the left and hammer my empty commit with a wishful
    # thinking message and my messy code commit with `.` message into
    # a semblance of clean git history
    $ code .
    $ magit-goes-brrrrr
    # At this point, in the work tree, I am happy with both the code
    # and the Git history, so, if the fuzzer on the right is happy,
    # a PR is opened!
    $                              |
    $ git push --force-with-lease  | $ ./zig/zig build fuzz
    $ gh pr create --web           | # Still hasn't failed
    $                              |

    This is again concurrent: I can hack on the branch while the fuzzer tests the same code. Note that it is crucial that the fuzzing tree operates in the detached head state (-d flag for git switch). In general, -d is very helpful with this style of worktree work. I am also sympathetic to the argument that, like the staging area and the stash, Git branches are a misfeature, but I havent made the plunge personally yet.

  • Finally, the last tree I have is scratch this is a tree for arbitrary random things I need to do while working on something else. For example, if I am working on matklad/my-feature in work, and reviewing #6292 in review, and, while reviewing, notice a tiny unrelated typo, the PR for that typo is quickly prepped in the scratch worktree:

    $ cd ../scratch
    $ git switch -c matklad/quick-fix
    $ code . && git add . && git commit -m 'typo' && git push
    $ cd -

TL;DR: consider using worktrees not as a replacement for branches, but as a means to manage concurrency in your tasks. My level of concurrency is:

  • main for looking at the pristine code,
  • work for looking at my code,
  • review for looking at someone elses code,
  • fuzz for my computer to look at my code,
  • scratch for everything else!