Zig defer Patterns
A short note about some unexpected usages of Zig’s defer
This post assumes that you already know the basics about RAII, defer
and errdefer
. While discussing the
differences between them is not the point, I will allow myself one
high level comment. I don’t like defer
as a replacement
for RAII: after writing Zig for some time, I am relatively confident
that humans are just not good at not forgetting defers, especially
when “optional” ownership transfer is at play (i.e, this function
takes ownership of an argument, unless an error is returned). But
defer is good at discouraging RAII oriented programming. RAII
encourages binding lifetime of resources (such as memory) with
lifetimes of individual domain objects (such as a String
). But often, in pursuit of performance and small code size, you want
to separate the two concerns, and let many domain objects to share the
single pool of resources. Instead of each individual string managing
its own allocation, you might want to store the contents of all
related strings into a single continuously allocated buffer. Because
RAII with defer is painful, Zig naturally pushes you towards batching
your resource acquisition and release calls, such that you have far
fewer resources than objects in your program.
But, as I’ve said, this post isn’t about all that. This post is about
non-resource-oriented usages of defer
. There’s more to
defer than just RAII, it’s a nice little powerful construct! This is
way to much ado already, so here come the patterns:
Asserting Post Conditions
gives you poor man’s contract programming in the
form of
defer assert(postcondition)
Real life example:
defer assert(grid.free_set.opened);
// Code to open the free set
Statically Enforcing Absence of Errors
This is basically peak Zig:
errdefer comptime unreachable
runs when a function returns an error (e.g.,
when a try
fails). unreachable
crashes the program (in ReleaseSafe
). But comptime unreachable
straight up fails compilation if the
compiler tries to generate the corresponding runtime code. The three
together ensure the absence of error-returning paths.
Here’s an example from the standard library, the function to grow a hash map:
// The function as a whole can fail...
fn grow(
self: *Self,
allocator: Allocator,
new_capacity: Size,
) Allocator.Error!void {
var map: Self = .{};
try map.allocate(allocator, new_capacity);
// ...but from this point on, failure is impossible
errdefer comptime unreachable;
// Code to rehash© self to map
std.mem.swap(Self, self, &map);
Logging Errors
Zig’s error handling mechanism provides only error code (a number) and an error trace. This is usually plenty to programmatically handle the error in an application and for the operator to debug a failure, but this is decidedly not enough to provide a nice report for the end user. However, if you are in a business of reporting errors to users, you are likely writing an application, and application might get away without propagating extra information about the error to the caller. Often, there’s enough context at the point where the error originates in the first place to produce a user-facing report right there.
const port = port: {
errdefer |err| log.err("failed to read the port number: {}", .{err});
var buf: [fmt.count("{}\n", .{maxInt(u16)})]u8 = undefined;
const len = try process.stdout.?.readAll(&buf);
break :port try fmt.parseInt(u16, buf[0 .. len -| 1], 10);
Post Increment
Finally, defer
can be used as an i++
sorts. For example, here’s how you can pop an item off a free list:
pub fn acquire(self: *ScanBufferPool) Error!*const ScanBuffer {
if (self.scan_buffer_used == constants.lsm_scans_max) {
return Error.ScansMaxExceeded;
defer self.scan_buffer_used += 1;
return &self.scan_buffers[self.scan_buffer_used];