Another Generic Dilemma
In “The Generic Dilemma”, Russ Cox observes that you can have only two of
- separate compilation
- unboxed values
- parametric polymorphism
(but see 1 and 2 for how you can achieve a middle ground with enough compiler wizardry)
Now that Go is getting generics, I want to point out another dilemma:
Any language has parametric polymorphism, eventually
If you start with just dynamic dispatch, you’ll end up adding generics down the road. This happened with C++ and Java, and is now happening with Go. The last one is interesting — even if you don’t carry accidental OOP baggage (inheritance), interfaces alone are not enough.
Why does it happen?
Well, because generics are useful for simple things.
Even if the language special-cases several parametric data structures, like go does with slices, maps and channels, it is impossible to abstract over them.
In particular, it’s impossible to write list_reverse
or list_sort
functions without some awkward workarounds.
Ok, but where’s the dilemma? The dilemma is that adding parametric polymorphism to the language opens floodgates of complexity. At least in my experience, Rust traits, Haskell type classes, and Java generics are the main reason why some libraries in those languages are hard to use.
It’s not that generics are inherently hard, fn reverse<T>(xs: [T]) -> [T]
is simple.
It’s that they allow creating complicated solutions, and this doesn’t play well with our human bias for complexity.
One thing I am wondering is whether a polymorphic language without bounded quantification would be practical?
Again, in my anecdotal experience, cognitive complexity soars when there are bounds on type parameters: T: This<S> + That
But parametric polymorphism can be useful without them:
fn sort<T: Ord>(xs: &mut [T]) { ... }
is equivalent to
struct Ord<T> {
cmp: fn(&T, &T) -> Ordering
fn sort<T>(ord: Ord<T>, xs: &mut [T]) { ... }
Can we build an entire language out of this pattern?